Je t'aime..
France - romantic, sensual, seductive.. erotic days and nights with French condoms. You can also experience this at home! After all, who doesn't think of romance when they think of "Paris"? France is known as the land of love. Hardly any other language sounds as erotic as French.
We import a piece of French lifestyle for you. Condoms from France are THE reliable protection for romantic moments - and so varied. Browse through our wide range as a couple or alone and let yourself be seduced by the French variety.
The Kondomotheke tip: Of course, our condoms from France can also be used for "French" sex :-) In principle, all (male) condoms can be used for oral sex. Try out which variety you like best. Our extra-thin condoms from France, for example, ensure a particularly realistic experience and latex-free condoms are absolutely odourless.
We import a piece of French lifestyle for you. Condoms from France are THE reliable protection for romantic moments - and so varied. Browse through our wide range as a couple or alone and let yourself be seduced by the French variety.
The Kondomotheke tip: Of course, our condoms from France can also be used for "French" sex :-) In principle, all (male) condoms can be used for oral sex. Try out which variety you like best. Our extra-thin condoms from France, for example, ensure a particularly realistic experience and latex-free condoms are absolutely odourless.
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