Perfectly trimmed:

In this category you will find products for a perfectly shaved or trimmed intimate area. Razors, shaving templates and care products are listed here.

By nature, (almost) everyone is more or less hairy in the intimate area. For example, sexual attractants, so-called pheromones, should be released more effectively via the pubic hair. In addition, the natural hair protects against friction and thus the smallest injuries during sex.

But not everyone likes it hairy! Above all, a lot of intimate hair bothers many people themselves, e.g. if even a few cheeky hairs stick out of the bathing suit. Fortunately, there are many ways to "style" your intimate area. From a complete shave and an absolutely hair-free pubic area to a full but trimmed "bush". Try out which variant you feel comfortable with.

When shaving, it is important to use sharp blades so that the hair is not torn out. This avoids pimples and razor burn (ingrown hairs that can become infected). The use of shaving foam or aftershave also helps to soothe the skin - for a well-groomed intimate area.

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