Wärmeleitend, reißfest und elastisch: Das Kondom
Latex is the classic material for condoms of all kinds. It is a natural raw material that is grown in tropical countries. Latex is particularly heat-conducting and sensitive, but also incredibly elastic and resistant.
And latex condoms are biodegradable (but please put them in the residual waste and not in the organic waste bin)! You can find more information about latex here!
The reliability and safety of latex condoms is very high. However, what latex condoms cannot tolerate are large temperature fluctuations, sunlight and lubricants containing fat or oil. There are more tips for safe condom use here: Use condoms correctly.
Since most condoms are made of latex, you will find an inspiring, varied selection of different brands, sizes and types here. Colour, taste, delay effect or stimulating - everything is included here!
The Kondomotheke tip: If condoms burn, cause pain or itching, a latex allergy is suspected. However, it can also be due to a hypersensitivity to additives, f.e. vulcanization accelerators - or a purely mechanical reaction (e.g. due to insufficient moisture). To be on the safe side, we recommend you to have an allergy test by a doctor. Latex is not only the main component of condoms, but can also be found in many other everyday objects. Knowing the exact cause of the allergy helps you to avoid contact with these substances. You can find more information about latex allergy here!
Bulk packs and bags can be found in the category bulk packs.
And latex condoms are biodegradable (but please put them in the residual waste and not in the organic waste bin)! You can find more information about latex here!
The reliability and safety of latex condoms is very high. However, what latex condoms cannot tolerate are large temperature fluctuations, sunlight and lubricants containing fat or oil. There are more tips for safe condom use here: Use condoms correctly.
Since most condoms are made of latex, you will find an inspiring, varied selection of different brands, sizes and types here. Colour, taste, delay effect or stimulating - everything is included here!
The Kondomotheke tip: If condoms burn, cause pain or itching, a latex allergy is suspected. However, it can also be due to a hypersensitivity to additives, f.e. vulcanization accelerators - or a purely mechanical reaction (e.g. due to insufficient moisture). To be on the safe side, we recommend you to have an allergy test by a doctor. Latex is not only the main component of condoms, but can also be found in many other everyday objects. Knowing the exact cause of the allergy helps you to avoid contact with these substances. You can find more information about latex allergy here!
Bulk packs and bags can be found in the category bulk packs.
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